Employees of the Department of Information Technology Serhii Ishcheriakov and Oleh Kozych took part in the jury of the annual Regional Tournament of Young Informatics, which took place on October 30, 2021. This year the participants of three teams competed for the title of the best young IT students: “Quantum”, the team of Ivano-Frankivsk Academic Boarding Lyceum of Ivano-Frankivsk Regional Council, “DevMops”, the team of Ivano-Frankivsk Physical and Technical Boarding Lyceum of Ivano-Frankivsk Regional Council and “Robotech”, the team of Kolomyia lyceum №9 of Kolomyia city council. The winner of the tournament was the team “DevMops”, winning in each of the two rounds. The “Robotech” team placed second overall. “Quantum” team achieved third place.